
Now or Never

FINALLY... we made it to see HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3 today!!! Yee-haw!!!! LOVE IT!!! In case you haven't seen it, "Now or Never" is the opening song - EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Nathan couldn't justify us spending the $$ to see it in the theatres - which is why we hadn't seen it yet. However, one of his buddies was going to come over today to play Halo with him, so T and I made an afternoon "date" to go see it since it's now in the 5 Buck Club. Funny thing... Nathan's buddy didn't end up showing up, AND he went with us - double date for me! yay! I'd heard mixed reviews... some adults said it was "ok" but all the kids were raving about it. Well, I'm with the younger crowd - IT ROCKED! I must admit too, there was a couple parts I got a lil' teary-eyed.

So that was the end of my oh-so fab weekend! So let's go back in time a bit...

Friday - I was on V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N!!!! My BFF and I went on our annual Christmas shopping trip to Champaign, IL.. home of the FIGHTING ILLINI!!!!!!!!!! It was a FABULOUS day, as always! I started my Christmas shopping Friday, and I probably completed 95% of it! Yee-haw! That's such a good feeling! I HATE fighting the crowds in Terrible Haute! UGH! We even made it there and back with no cop involvement! OOT-OOT!

Saturday - went to mom's (where I "hide/store" my Christmas gifts -- went thru all my purchases. It's amazing when you spend all day shopping, you forget what all you buy - LOL! I did good in sticking to my list tho! Then last night we had dinner at my mother-in-law's with B.L.O.E.! (that's an acronym for Nathan's bro's fam) It was STUNNING company as always! I am so lucky to have thee cutest nieces and nephews, and some of the very best sil's in the world!

Sunday - today - up early and read deep into "new moon". YES, I'm sucked into the vampires and warewolves! UGH! I laughed at my m-i-l on our trip to Atlanta b/c she couldn't put the books down, I'm not THAT into it - but I am thoroughly enjoying the books and getting thru them rather quickly!

Tomorrow I head back to work. I'm ready to go tho - I have things done around the house. I spent 2.5 hours today in my son's room... throwing broken things out and bagging up goodies to take to goodwill. Hopefully they'll put a smile on some other lil' ones face this Christmas! His room looks exceptional tho - love it! He had a friend spend the night Friday, and his room got TRASHED! Amazing the damage two 9 yr olds can do in so little time.

I think that about wraps up my weekend. I wish I had some pics to share, but I've been non-camera ready this weekend - sorry!

Cheers to everyone and enjoying a glorious Thanksgiving week ahead! XO

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ROSEBOWL - JAN 1, 2008